Block management client: Installing a high-tech CCTV system

CCTV footage from a CCTV installation from Exemplifire

When an established block management customer contacted us for help with their security systems, we knew we had the equipment and know-how to help them combat the various anti-social issues they had unfortunately been experiencing at one of their properties.

We supplied and installed a high-tech CCTV solution, with a 2x 6MP camera Hikvision system covering the car park and the bike store. These new cameras are state-of-the-art and even have colour vision at night! The system connects to an app that can be viewed remotely from anywhere in the world, reassuring property managers that their sites are secure by both deterring potential troublemakers and capturing identities to pass on to law enforcement when appropriate.

We will always work to your specific requirements to find the solution that best meets your needs - please feel free to get in touch for a free, no-obligation quote.


Converted office block: Installing a multi-zone AOV system